Friday, 31 July 2020
Being companions
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Believing in the Kingdom
The hymn says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” - there used to be an agenda item for Church Councils called “the work of God.” I’ve been in meetings where God has hardly been mentioned, and certainly not any discussion on his activity! What if now we are called to seek his Kingdom? What if we are called to be mad and radical and risk takers? What if today we let go of what was, keeping what is still precious, but working faithfully to catch up with God’s intentions and surprises, believing something is going to happen?
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Heaven in ordinary
Passage for reflection: Exodus 3: 1 - 6
It is my conviction that when we least expect it, God breaks into his world to confront us with the challenge of his presence, or to comfort us when we are at a low ebb or are journeying wearily in our own strength, reminding us we are not alone.
The people of God at the beginning of the book of Exodus found themselves like us in a strange and uncomfortable place where they saw no way out. Moses was keeping the flock of his father in law when suddenly he was confronted with the mystery of a burning bush. Imagine that! And we know, out of the bush, the mighty God spoke to him, reminded him of the faith story that had past, reminded him he was on holy ground “take off your shoes” and reminded him there can be another way - and Moses was to help it happen!
Coming out slowly from lockdown, churches are asking whether they can open buildings again. Some Methodist churches are open having done a risk assessment, others are saying it isn’t the right time to reopen as they aren’t ready, others are choosing to keep putting their energy into on line worship, pastoral care by phone or in gardens and community outreach, others are desperate to be open and are finding being told they can’t because they cannot meet the Covid safe criteria, and sadly I heard today some may be choosing not to open again ever. That’s so sad.
On a Sunday we celebrate the rural Church, I believe a small group of Christians in a village can, unlike that story I’ve just told, be a reminder that God breaks in to where we are, and shows us in our lives today there can be a bit of heaven right beside us. I yearn for the Church to be the hub of every community, that small group to be known as people who build heaven on earth and have a vision of what can be.
And like Moses received a call, so the Church must reach out beyond the Church. There is something heavenly in being willing to engage with others’ ordinary lives. The purpose of consecrating sacred places — churches, shrines, holy ground — is not to desacralise the rest of the world, but the reverse. God, in Christian belief, is in the kitchen, in the pub, at the bus stop. Celtic Christians had prayers for making the bed or doing the washing, remember!
How do we remind people of the presence of God?
Are we prepared to stop what we’ve always done and see what God might be saying to us? We may have to leave what we think previous behind in order to embrace the new thing God wants to show us.
Are our churches holy ground which enable people to stand in the presence of God? And are we ready to take off our shoes and spend more time on worship and prayer rather than the things that really don’t matter now.
I like this prayer for Rural Mission Sunday:
Saturday, 11 July 2020
You shall go out with joy...
I’ve chosen to reflect on the Old Testament reading for this Sunday from Isaiah 55. The last chapters of the book of Isaiah were written at a time when the people of God were picking up the pieces after a national disaster. Their lives had been uprooted when the Babylonians had defeated their armies, destroyed their cities and farms and burnt their temple to the ground. Now they had returned to Jerusalem, their holy place where God was closest to them, to rebuild.
Saturday, 4 July 2020
Come to me...
This period has seen people miss so much of what they need for life to be enjoyable, so today there has been savouring of a cool pint, a long overdue haircut, a meal out, a film, and for some thinking about returning to a place of worship. Despite how weird that will be!
This mad time, which is far from over yet, has made people think what is important in life. I quite understand people excited today getting a taste of what they have missed.
In the midst of the invitations of pubs and restaurants and hairdressers and hotels saying “come”, Jesus gives that invitation too. “Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you a pint, no, a haircut, no, a curry, no, I will give you rest.” Rest!
Many people come to faith because they have been at the lowest point in their lives, weighed down by the burden of living, or by troubles, illness or depression. They have reached the point where they can go no further in their own strength.”
And we can come to him, whether we are stuck inside when it feels like everyone else is rushing on. But this invitation to come lasts longer than that first pint in ages or meal out... and it comes to give us peace and comfort and hope even when we are feeling fed up. Thank God!
So what does coming to Jesus mean? Three things I think...
1. For the church, permission to have new priorities. I’m glad this past week at its Conference, the Methodist Church has committed itself to evangelism and inclusivity. We need to share the offer of Jesus to a world that needs someone they can trust. We need to say to people who’ve been marginalised or abused, you matter and you are welcome.
2. For ourselves, a lightness of spirit. What really matters in our lives? We need to hold tight those who are important to us, and have a new commitment to respect others and to enjoy community again. And we need to laugh more because life is too short! What makes you laugh until you ache? This weekend is the 40th anniversary of the film Airplane. The funniest film ever!
And 3. For the world a confident hope. We rest in him. No matter what is going on, we rest in him. We cannot know the future and it is frustrating. I am meant to begin a new appointment in September and haven’t a clue what shape that will take because things are so bizarre. But I rest in him! We need to be open to his possibility even in our confusion and fed upness.