Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Prayers on the eve of a General Election

So I organised two prayer times on the eve of the General Election and not only advertised them in the church they were being held in but ecumenically and in my Circuit. Sadly only one person came this morning and but I had five  tonight. 

 I’m putting the prayers here because I really believe we should be praying together for our nation as we prepare for an election day and a new government of whatever form that will take.

1 Timothy 2 has these words:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 

So here are some prayers I found which speak to me and prepare me to cast my vote in the morning. 


A collect:

Almighty God,
to whom each of us must give an account for all our powers and privileges:
Guide the people of the United Kingdom in the election of their members of Parliament;
that by wise laws and just administration,
peace may be fostered,
godliness encouraged,
and the true profession of the gospel enabled,
for the sake of Jesus our saviour and King,
to the glory of your holy name,


A prayer for voters:

God of grace and truth, inJesus you embody your choice of us.

Bless all who make choices in this general election. Clothe your people with gratitude for the right to choose our government, and turn that gratitude into clear choices.

Give those who vote your spirit of wisdom and understanding. Uphold all who stand for election: preserve their dignity, and guide them in the path of integrity.

Renew this nation in honour for the stranger,respect for the different, and cherishing of diversity.

When all the votes are counted, show us ways to foster the flourishing of all and be a blessing to our neighbours. In the name of Christ and the power of your Spirit. Amen.

A prayer of intercession for our nation:

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Maker of heaven and earth
And of all things visible and invisible.
We turn to you in search of wisdom for our times
And the assurance that, in all things,
You remain sovereign and ruler over all.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

You are sovereign and ruler over all
And so, in the discerning of who might best govern our nation,
We turn to you once more.
Grant to us, and to all who seek your will,
A desire to see good governance established
In the interests of all who inhabit these lands.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

You are concerned for the interests of all
And you deny to no one the dignity and integrity
That belong to all who are made in your image.
Grant to us a concern for all who stand on the margins of society
And the courage to affirm their dignity and integrity
And so to stand in solidarity with them.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

You stand in solidarity with us,
Even through Jesus Christ
Your Word made flesh who lived amongst us.
Grant to us the ongoing commitment to pray for, and to engage with,
Those who are elected to govern in our name
That we might see our society better reflect the Kingdom that is to come.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.


A prayer for a new government:

God of all nations, we lift up to You our soon to beelected leaders and government officials. Grant them wisdom, integrity, and a spirit of service as they undertake their duties. May they be guided by a commitment to the common good, justice, and the welfare of all citizens.

May they govern with compassion, humility, and a deep sense of responsibility towards the most vulnerable and marginalised in our society. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen

And finally, a reminder from Wesley:

Act as if the whole election depended on your single vote, and as if the whole Parliament (and therein the whole nation) on that single person whom you now choose to be a member of it.” John Wesley from A word to a Freeholder, 1748.

And here’s his manifesto:

I’m a bit of an ejection enthusiast so I’ll be up all night watching the results so please don’t disturb me on Friday! But seriously let us pray whether we have faith or not for leadership with integrity and humility where everyone matters. That’s not party political it’s just decency!