I’ve been wanting to get to Southport for many weeks to complete the marking of the 25th anniversary of my ordination in the town. Last night we managed to get there. It was good to find Leyland Road Methodist Church where my ordination service was and Southport Theatre on the promenade (back then the Floral Hall) where I was received into full connexion. Then to try and see the sea - which was out there somewhere - and yes - that is Blackpool Tower lit up blurred in the distance!
More powerful than a pilgrimage to mark my anniversary and remember was a walk very late last night to the flowers and toys and teddies laid in memory of the three little girls who were killed at a dance class last Monday. What struck me was there were a lot of people there and everyone stood or walked round the flowers and other things there in silence. It was very powerful to be there even just ten minutes.
What has been heartening in every community that has been attacked by the violence of a minority has the next morning been flooded with people coming together to clean up and in days following has seen different faiths coming together to celebrate community and solidarity. It’s good to hear strong words from government but we also need all of us to condemn bigotry and narrowness and misinformation and speaking of people without knowing what it means to walk in their shoes. I’m sitting writing this in the market square. Two people VERY worse for wear are discussing the state of the world. He says “wtf is the world coming to? If you want to embrace it you can.” She says they are about to fall out and calls him a horrible person. I may move :) He’s going on about which people in the world he detests. How have we suddenly gone back to the dark ages?
For us who come to Jesus, for us who believe in Jesus, my prayer is that sustained by the Bread of Life we will be those who seek to bring light and love into our daily engagements and actions, and that when we can speak up, we speak in a way to build bridges and not walls – always hope rather than hate. We commit ourselves to work with everyone who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, for love and peace – we join our voices with everyone who says enough, enough of hate and division. This is not who we are, this is not who we want to be.”
I couldn’t put it better myself. We need a commitment to community and we need to ask for forgiveness. It was rather poignant the service in the service in the cathedral yesterday was sung by the choir of Holy Trinity in Southport. The motet they sang asked God for a new beginning: O sweet, O merciful. O Jesus, Son of Mary, have mercy on me. Amen.
The way forward it seems to me begins with mercy from above then a commitment this last week isn’t who we are.