Sunday, 30 November 2014

A prayer for Advent day 1

Here is my first picture on my Advent and Christmas picture and prayer project. We had an all age activity afternoon in one of our churches in Bexhill this afternoon to prepare worship for tonight. Sadly I had to miss the worship because I had another service elsewhere. I helped lead a prayer preparation workshop. It was very moving to see children gather round a map of the world and say very boldly why we need to pray for various countries in need. Hands symbolising help and support were placed on the places of the world in most trouble today. Perhaps that's where Advent starts. As we expect God to come into the world as it is, we also need to be committed to join him in the work of redemption and hope transforming from within, The children's' insistence on "we must pray for" places gave me hope and joy this afternoon. I keep telling churches we can learn a lot from children's spirituality...

God of hope, on this first day of Advent, we pray for our world in need. Help us to pray for the world. Help us to be part of the answer to our prayers. May our hands make a difference to where we are, bringing hope and healing to those who need it today. In the name of Jesus who enters a troubled world. Like the young people this afternoon give us the confidence to believe together with you we can make a difference. Amen. 

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