I am sorry the last blog post was so miserable. I am trying to make the best of what is going on at the moment. We are all very tired - there are three of us in our latest temporary home, and two of us as you see are so exhausted we've just laid down on the bed. All this moving about is too much.
I am determined while off sick to do some writing. When I blogged from sabbatical every day people found that helpful. So how about I blog during this period of exile from work and from our home and we try to see what God is saying? I am struggling with people saying they are praying for us, what is the answer we want in prayer through this? As I said yesterday all I want is to rest in my own home in my own bed. But my theology and my spirituality are about a God in the mess, a God who is incarnate
in the mess and a God who can take a good shouting at in lament and despair. Weirdly those psalms that say no it is NOT okay today and no your sugary sweet faith won't do and yes it is shite today and I'm going to tell you God are my favourites! So perhaps God is here as we face potentially eight moves in two months!
Today I've been thinking about random acts of kindness. We are staying for a fortnight in a lovely house overlooking the sea and countryside through the kindness of one of my church members while she is away. After this we are staying in the home of a Supernumerary minister and his wife while they are away. Kindness makes a difference. An offer of help, a "how are you" and staying for the answer, one small act of practical help or a kind message when you are feeling rough can make all the difference. I've been touched today by two messages. This morning the President of the Methodist Conference sent me these words:
Ian, I’m so sorry that you are having such a rough time. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers at this time. May you have a sense of peace and heal well. Micky.
She is so busy but I was remembered.
Then tonight last years President sent me these words.
Dear Ian, I hear and read you are in bit a mess at the moment, if I can call it that and so sorry to hear that you and Lis are nomadic as well as your ill health issues.
I am writing to offer you some pastoral support if you require it.
She is also very busy and I was remembered. I don't feel very remembered locally, it is a strange thing to one day be Superintendent, and then not have a clue whether all is well out there! I also received tonight a lovely message from three preachers in the same family saying they will take any service when I am back with short notice if I am not feeling strong enough. Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference.
I went to a funeral recently in Shoreham, and had to change trains at Brighton. With time to kill I went outside the station and I spoke to a homeless man called Simon. I gave Simon £2 for a cup of tea, we had a long chat. He said to me "thank you - you are a gentleman" - not because of the £2 but because, maybe for the first time in ages he'd been listened to and respected..
So tonight I want to say to my readers, if there is someone in desparate need you know, one small thing can make a difference to their wellbeing and worth. An e mail, a text, a phone call, can I get you some shopping, a visit, offering to take something off their diary, small practical things. To say we are praying for you is all very well, but sometimes we need to be the answer to our own prayers.
I know Luther called the epistle of James an epistle of straw because he felt there was no meat in it, but I find James a challenge. In the end if I am to be judged as a Christian, I will be judged by how genuine my Christianity was.
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good[b] is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
What difference, through kindness can we make to people today?
I am praying for you Ian, sorry if you struggle with that, but as one well acquainted with mess my prayer is not sugary, but simply that you will know God deeply in it with you and that there will be treasures to be found in the darkness, it seems that today you have found some, may they keep coming!