Tuesday 2 January 2024

January 2 - planning ahead

My Anglican colleague in the LEP we share laughed in an e mail reply as I asked him  questions about April and he replied “you do plan a long way ahead!” Yes, on 2 January I’ve done all my plan dates for Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost! It’s only eleven and a bit months until Christmas :) 

Some people are good at long term planning, others are content as long as they get through the day. Part of the Christian ethos is to have vision, to look far ahead, to think positively about the future. 

We are on the edge of Epiphany. How long do you think those wise men who studied the stars took in planning their journey? They took time to consider the facts, tomorrow would be better than today, a star was worth following even if they didn’t know where it was going to lead them. 

Many people will have returned to work this morning. In meetings there has probably been some goal setting and vision discernment going on. We plan but even our plans may not as we hope. But not to plan and just wallow is not the life of faith. We plan in expectation. I’ve learnt to say to Anglican colleagues who don’t understand Methodist plans, “let’s sort the whole year then it’s done!” 

How confident are our plans? Maybe George Bernard Shaw had it right when he said “ You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'

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