Sunday, 15 December 2024

Advent exceeding expectations

There’s a verse in the hymn There’s a wideness in God’s mercy that reminds us that we make God’s love too narrow. Maybe also we make our expectations too narrow. 

Take this afternoon. Sawley chapel was hosting a Christingle and Carol Service for the two churches in the village and the community. Our services at Sawley start at 2pm. I looked out from the schoolroom at 1.55pm and there weren’t many there. At 2pm the chapel was full of folk including families and children. My steward exclaimed “there are people here!” Andrew, the Anglican house for duty priest who was to preach exclaimed “there are children here. I need to rethink my sermon!” Which he did! We had a lovely time of worship and sharing. My point today is no one expected a full chapel! We say we want more than the usual few to come to things and when it happens we are shocked like the church we turned up at in Durham City last Sunday evening when the man at the door almost said “really?!?” when we said we wanted to join them. 

Have we got bogged down in a church climate that says no one is interested, no one will come and we apologise that not many are here when we gather as happened in my service this morning. Have we turned so insular that we don’t even bother inviting people to join us because we really believe no one is interested? I’ve had several churches that have told me with five minutes to go that we are all here so we may as well start. I’ve been to churches that put out six chairs for six people and if a seventh person turns up there’s a commotion! 

The Christmas story we are preparing to celebrate is one of large vision and huge possibilities. It’s invitational and it invites us to invite others to join in with it. It’s a story that draws you and others in. It’s an opportunity maybe just once a year to tell people of good news for all people. And we mustn’t be surprised if people engage with it. 

This evening we’ve been at a performance of the Messiah by G F Handel given by Harrogate Choral Society. My wife is in the choir along with two other minister’s wives from Harrogate by the way! The Messiah, remember, is in three parts, Christmas, the passion and the resurrection. In the Christmas bit there’s a huge vision and invitation and a reminder we need to think much bigger where God is concerned. There is no notion people won’t take notice of divine activity.

After hearing the Messiah, the Earl of Kinnoull complimented Handel and told him that it was wonderful entertainment. Handel is reported to have responded, “I should be sorry if I only entertained them, I wish to make them better.”These words from Isaiah point to that transformation – “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.”

Isaiah is telling the exiles in Babylonian captivity that the Messiah is coming, and to get ready, changes will have to be made, both within themselves and society at large.

Exile isn’t just a status for the Israelites. This side of eternity, exile is the human condition for each of us. As a result of sin we are all separated from God and in desperate need of forgiveness and redemption. This is only possible through the Messiah. The remedy involves much more than, in Handel’s words, being made “better.” Through Christ we can be counted right with God and begin a lifelong process of sanctification. 

“Behold your God!” God is doing something and frankly we need to catch up with what he is up to.

When we start apologising or when we expect nothing or we can’t cope with new people well… you know the verse don’t you? Where there is no vision… the people perish.” 

And that’s just not the Gospel. So when we are narrow, remember this God sends Jesus into the world that we should not perish but have everlasting life. And that’s HUGE! And people might just join in with it. 

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