Monday, 21 March 2016

The Monday of Holy Week - overturning stuff

John McConnell is a bit too red sometimes - even for me! But today I admired that he had the courage to suggest the government might tear up their budget and start again. Of course we got the answer that the government are a one nation government and we are all in this together, but I am glad some politicians are standing up against measures that hit the worse off in our country, especially those who are unwell who have no choice but to be on benefits, and others trapped in poverty, many of whom I minister to here in Hastings.

It takes guts to say when everybody else says it is okay NO IT IS NOT! I was at a meeting this afternoon discussing an issue that doesn't seem to ever go away. I asked when it might be finally dealt with. The meeting was scared of confronting some behaviour which is just unacceptable.

Jesus was into speaking out - it got him in trouble. He was quick to condemn the injustices of his day, the religious elite who believed God was exclusive and a regime that ruled by force. John McConnell and Jeremy Corbyn are not to everyone's liking and may not ever be elected, but I think they have brought a certain decency to politics and a voice that suggests maybe it might be better done differently. (Conservative party readers will not agree with that, I know!) Speaking out in churches doesn't make you popular. By Friday it will have cost Jesus his life. But you know what, I'd rather speak out and be a bit bruised, then sit quiet and watch what needs to change from the sidelines.

Holy Week is a challenge to put our faith into action - even where it is really difficult and we are on our own making a stand.      

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