Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Blogging through Advent - reflecting on my Monday

It is amazing how often I am drawn to this place. A day off sorting out my mother and time with Lis at the end of which I found be myself heading for evening prayer in the cathedral at Peterborough in search of quiet and peace and space for prayers of thanksgiving. There is a huge Advent procession later tonight and the cathedral was in darkness when I arrived. A steward very abruptly said "can I help you? as though I wasn't welcome. He was stopped by my friendly security man who told him I was there for evening prayer tonight being held in the apse chapel - pictured.

Owing to a busy evening ahead I was the only one at the prayers. I found it strangely powerful to say the responses on my own in that space looking down the dark nave towards the stained glass lit by the Christmas lights outside the west door. The lovely security man asked me after what it was like to have my own personal service! It was good to find God speaking in my own quiet space: to hear words of personal care for me right now. I offered prayers of exasperation over my mother whose future is uncertain; prayers of joy about my relationship with Lis and our marriage next year in that awesome space and her coming into my life and some prayers for focus and energy as I am swamped by services and stuff these next few weeks. It was lovely to walk down the cathedral afterwards with Canon Tim who thanked me for coming.

I guess I am commending during Advent we all try and find some space. Go off on your own and let God speak. I had a cathedral to myself. But it can be done anywhere.

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