Thursday, 17 April 2014

Maundy Thursday - classic Nouwen

I cannot better anything today than this passage of classic Henri Nouwen. This is day about service and being there for others.

"Just before entering on the road of his passion he washed the feet of his disciples and offered them his body and his blood as food and drink. These two acts belong together. They are both an expression of God's determination to show us the fullness of his love. Therefore John introduces the story of the washing of the disciples' feet with the words: "Jesus, having loved those who were his in the world, loved them to the end."

What is even more astonishing is that on both occasions Jesus commands us to do the same. After washing his disciples' feet, Jesus says, "I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you." After giving himself as food and drink, he says, "Do this in remembrance of me." Jesus calls us to continue his mission of revealing the perfect love of God in this world. He calls us to total self-giving. He does not want us to keep anything for ourselves. Rather, he wants our love to be as full, as radical, and as complete as his own. He wants us to bend ourselves to the ground and touch the places in each other that most need washing. He also wants us to say to each other, "Eat of me and drink of me." By this complete mutual nurturing, he wants us to become one body and one spirit, united by the love of God."

(From "The Road to Daybreak")

I ponder these words. How much am I willing to love people to the end? How do I let Jesus be my example? Where are the places in my day I need to bend to the ground and touch? How do I work for the unity of the Church around one table? I'm glad tonight I'll be sharing communion and foot washing with my Anglican friends in Rye. There is much to work to live out Nouwen's commentary on this day. A bowl of water, a towel, bread and wine, perhaps these are the only tools we need in Christian ministry. Discuss!  

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