Saturday 18 March 2023

The twenty fifth day of Lent: Moving on

Ripon city centre was a nightmare traffic wise today. I had various places to be and there was hardly anywhere to park. Driving by the bus station, a car two in front of me just stopped in the middle of the road. Nothing then happened for ages. The queue behind the car lengthened. Eventually we all drove round the car as it still wasn’t going anywhere. As I passed it I saw a very elderly couple in it and the wife beginning to get out of the passenger seat. For a while everyone was motionless. 

There are occasions in life obstacles like that car are placed on our journey we find it hard to deal with getting past them. There are times deliberate obstacles are put in the way so we cannot get past them. The road ahead is blocked for a long time. 

But, you know. I believe God gives us enough to get past the obstacles or the stubborn and selfish people to keep going. And sometimes when things are going wrong, he makes a way out of no way. This evening, we’ve welcomed a new colleague into our Circuit. Someone commented to me she’s come to us for a reason. Sometimes God gifts us the answer to get round our problems. 

I was struck that one of the promises Sarah made tonight was to “awaken the careless.” That’s not just drivers dumping their cars with little common sense, but reminding us of our responsibilities to live with others, working out what we need to do and be to move forward. 

A church in its newsletter reminded its readers of their calling:

“ We are ordinary people, living locally, trying to make sense of life, asking questions, seeking relationship with God and the world around us.
Caring for all, we try to be an open and inclusive church, which means: you are welcome whoever you are; you are welcome whatever your lifestyle; you are welcome wherever you may be in your faith journey.
Seeking God, we follow Jesus who shows us that the way we treat others is as important as the beliefs we hold; that Christians may be concerned with injustice and suffering; that faith means acting with compassion and facing evil.”

Life in March 2023 is full of folk like that motorist. So what to do? Whatever your obstacle, God is willing to cross it with you. He is committed to communicating with His people and to providing strength, comfort, and hope. If you are up against a wall and want to know how to deal with it, don't try to overcome under your own strength. Commune with God. Let that be your first plan of action, rather than your last resort.

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