Friday, 12 December 2014

Prayer for Advent Day 13 - Expectation

This is an empty stage in Staplecross Village Hall prior to our Methodist Primary School Nativity. Children were backstage when I took this, expectant about performing. When they got on the stage, they were excited about being there. I loved the angels especially who kept waving at the audience!

Advent is about positive expectation. Expectation that something good is about to happen. Sometimes our relationship with God is lessened because we have stopped being expectant. What are you excited about as you read this? What can't you wait to come?

God, come into our hearts today with your presence and peace. Help us expect much. Help us to be excited at your coming, and when what we expect happens, like children in a school nativity help us to really enjoy experiencing it, so that others may be infected with our joy. Amen. 

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