Thursday, 18 December 2014

Prayer for Advent Day 19 - a favourite prayer will have to do!

This prayer from Mary Fleeson who has a wonderful scriptorium on Lindisfarne hangs in my dining room. I love this prayer. Sometimes I feel wrung out and I need to remember my call. I post this tonight for all my lovely clergy friends who are knackered with one week to go. This weekend for us is the busiest of all year, even if it is the loveliest! I have a banging migraine tonight, I have an in box full of stuff that if I tried to deal with it now would not be sensible. Circuit Staffing Plan to 2019 can wait! So, "be who I am, be where I am and be what I am" tonight means going to bed for a bit, then feeling better, having a cuddle with the cat, and feeling better to face more carol services, school nativities and carol singing tomorrow!

Dear God, tonight I pray help me accept that tonight as I have nothing on, I need do nothing. I haven't written a single Christmas card, the house is a tip, and the desk is full of chaos. But I need to stop. That is okay! Thank you God for nights in in the diary. I am sorry I have a migraine. Thank you for the darkness and for my bed. All will be well. I will be back tomorrow. Grant me now good sleep and healing peace. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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