Monday, 8 December 2014

Prayer for Advent Day 9 - What do you want?

Monday. Day off. Bliss!

But so far today has been spent trying to work out why Molly the cat is in a right old mood. She just sits on the stairs giving me evils and now she has moved to the bed and is sulking. She has food, she has been out, and I have been here all morning. I do not know what she wants.

Perhaps God feels like me with Molly today. He gives me everything he thinks I need, but I am still not happy. Sometimes I am diffident in asking for the thing I need most to enable me to move on from my mood which is hampering me. Today I am remembering people who are stuck, unable to share what they need with anyone, too frightened to pray, and those who want constant attention by putting their mood in others faces but not sharing what the real problem is.

I hope Molly's mood will improve after a sulk and a sleep. Otherwise, it is going to be a long day!

O God, sometimes I feel like Molly the cat. I have everything I need but there is always something more I would like. But sometimes it is hard to bring my deepest needs to you because I think praying for me is a bit self centred. Teach me on this Monday it is not wrong to come to you with my deepest desires, my problems, my frustrations. And where others need extra care, help me this week to be sensitive to them and to find them where they are, as Jesus did meeting people everywhere. In his name I pray. Amen. 

Leaving Molly to sleep, I am off to explore the new Aldi...

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