Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Prayer for Christmas Day 6 - Time to do other things

I love these days between Christmas and New Year. I do a little work but not a lot as I am "on call" until Saturday. I notice people taking time to stock up on things to make the New Year more effective. Many shops are now full of sale items and the queues at the tills are large. We seem to need new things for a new year! Here is my Mum eyeing up saucepans in Dunelm Mill here in Hastings. No saucepans were bought as they were, she said, cheaper in the shop we had come out half an hour before. This brings back memories of Saturday shopping trips with my Mum and my Auntie who would always look at every shop to weigh up things and they always drag my poor Uncle back to the shop the afternoon began in!

It is also good in these days to take time to do other things at leisure. I have just cooked a meal for my colleague Peggy and Mum to share at teatime. It will be "sort of work" as we need to discuss Sunday's Circuit Service but it will be good to spend time with no agenda and just be. 
I treasure these "inbetween" days. 

God of activity and of rest, help me treasure the "inbetween" in life. January and its pressures will come soon enough. Help me in these days to work out what I need to begin a New Year well, not necessarily a new saucepan, but quality relationships and some perspective. Amen. 

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